Try doTERRA Essential Oils for FREE!

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"Besides improving my health, doTERRA has opened my eyes and heart to helping others through the Healing Hands Foundation. I do this business to not only enhance a person's health, but I know that for every oil I sell, it is economically benefitting the farmers, growers and distillers in over 40 countries."

—Wes Hobson | Colorado, USA

Hi, I'm Lisa

I've been using essential oils since 2011 and can't imagine my life without them. I know they'll have in impact in your life and can't wait for you to try them!

Green Teacher Coach
Along with my wellness business, I am am also a Jr. High Science teacher and mother of two.  I am passionate about helping my fellow teachers and mammas shift to a green, clean, and stress-free classroom, with these powerful essential oils.

My Current Favorite!

My favorite oil lately, has been Rose. I roll it on to boost my immune system, but emotionally it is like receiving a warm hug, all while helping my skin be radiant!

"I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for my business and those we serve. I have been able to buy a dream home and live life on my own terms."

—Phil Wilhelm | Illinois, USA